Los Angeles-based commercial film production company, Biscuit Filmworks was founded in 2000 by Director Noam Murro and Managing Director Shawn Lacy.
Los Angeles
7026 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90038
+1 323 856 9200
Shawn Lacy
Founding Partner
Noam Murro
Founding Partner / Director
Holly Vega
Executive Producer
Andrew Travelstead
Executive Producer
Jordana Freydberg
Executive Producer
Laura Regan
Executive Producer
London / International
13 Holywell Row London, EC2A 4JF
+44 207 240 9955
Rupert Reynolds-MacLean
Managing Director
Hanna Bayatti
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Katie Keith
Executive Producer
Tamsin Hicks
Head of Sales
International Sales
Head of Production
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+44 207 240 9955